5 hidden facts about Google Analytics you never knew before

  • 9 Feb, 2020

Google Analytics is now easier to use with its all new features. All know that it helps to get perfect info regarding web traffic. But there are certain aspects to it which are still uncultivated. Every marketing decision that you make can be influenced by these unknown facets. 

Let’s learn about those very little explored areas of Google Analytics.

Get to identify the campaign that tends to bring the most traffic

Look at the advanced segments of Google Analytics and find the most successful campaigns done by you. It gives you the best idea about what’s working well for your website. According to that you can determine the next digital marketing steps. As soon as the best marketing ad is spotted, it will be quicker for the site to draw greater number of visitors. 

See where the majority of visitors are coming from

It is a daunting task to decide who you must be targeting while setting up the ads. Do you want to concentrate on a specific country or want to be visible worldwide? Fortunately, Google Analytics have changed the scenario, making it easier for you to decide on this. Look properly at the visitors menu and find out their locations. You can even narrow down the research and dig up data about a particular town, or a locality.  

Find out the exact terms & phrases they have searched for

Under the Usage menu, you can locate the terms and words that are mostly searched by the visitors. You can also track, if they have continued browsing on your website after refining their search categories, or they have abandoned after a few random searches. This will help you obtain the correct idea about which pages get the most attention, what they already find on your site and what you need to add more to retain the audiences. 

Cite the worst performing pages of your websites

Identify the top exit pages from the content menu of Google Analytics. Now, you will get a better view of the pages where people have arrived and exited abruptly. You thus, get to recognize the fact that probably people are unable to find what they want on your site and hence, leaving without letting you have the chance for call to action. Therefore, this feature is an assistant to improve your website’s performance. 

Check if you need to design a mobile-site very soon

From the visitors menu, you get to see the gadgets through which the visitors have entered your site. If you find the bounce rate of your website to be high, you are sure to know that you have already lost much of the mobile traffic. To avoid losing more of them, initiate a mobile specific website, optimize that well so that it loads quickly and satisfy your customers’ needs.  

On an end note…

Take out some time and walk around these little-known features of Google Analytics. You will be surprised to see how effective and explicit your marketing strategies would start becoming as soon as you get the hang of it. It will enhance the overall experience one would have after visiting your website.