Best tips for job seekers through social media beyond LinkedIn branding

  • 19 Dec, 2018

According to some researches, it has been found that 50% of the job seekers look for jobs online. Previously Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other platforms were just places to keep up with friends and contacts and discuss news related to job search. Not restricted to only LinkedIn branding, social media has started serving a much different purpose now. And this is not a futile process either. Many have been benefited out of online job searches. Thus people are making the most out of such opportunities. Even different companies are coming up with online interview. Mailing personal CVs have now become a very popular trend.

There are certain steps that people can take care of or apply for their individual benefit. This will certainly help them to look for the perfect job they are seeking. Seeking jobs in person has not lost its charm or importance but people have taken refuge to social media in every aspect. Thus, seeking jobs cannot lag behind in this regard.

LinkedIn for Job Seeker

Let people know what job you are seeking

Social media is perhaps the most significant platform or forum to make your voice heard. To make sure that you want this or that particular job, you must make sure you are reaching out to the right people or company. Letting people know you’re available might help you learn about job opportunities before they are advertised. This will help your acquaintances to reach out to you with the correct job opportunity. You should positively have your resume uploaded online so that you can share it with your social post.

Add social profiles to your resume

Adding your social profiles to your resume aptly helps you to build your authenticity. To have quite an active social presence can be appealing to potential employers in a lot of ways. Be it your personal website or private resume, you should include the links to your social profiles as part of your contact information. Moreover, your social profiles also serve the purpose of the social proofs of your identity and that helps in searching for jobs in a smoother way. Building authenticity is the stepping stone for the rest of the processes.

Concentrate on the hashtags

Nowadays, hashtags play a very important role and is an easier process for searching various jobs. Some companies have regular advertisements produced on Twitter. This helps in job seeking process as you don’t have to search much of the options. You can have some concrete options to search for. As social networks update their features and new groups and hashtags emerge, you must pay attention to that and help yourself get the best opportunity in job sectors.

These are some of the most effective ways by which one can take the most advantage of their social network in the job search, not being limited to only LinkedIn branding. Being religiously active on social media doesn’t mean opening an account on every platform possible. Rather one can focus on just two or three popular and powerful social media handles and can concentrate more easily. The above mentioned tips have proven to be quite strategic and fruitful and these can be applied productively.