Top 10 comic apps for comic book lovers

  • 31 Mar, 2019

Comic books have been around for what seems like forever. If we trace the history of comic books, we have to go back to as far as 18th century Japan. Yet, in modern times, due to the obvious advancement in technology, comic books have been adapted to various platforms, where reading gets a lot easier just by downloading apps.
Here is a list of 10 such apps.

Apps for comic book lovers

Astonishing Comic Reader

Available as both a free and paid app, this is essentially an e-book for comics. It has Chromecast support which lets you read your comics on TV! You can read any available comic on your device, and even manga, if that’s your thing!

Amazon Kindle

One of the most popular apps for reading, Kindle offers comics, too. It’s not the best app for reading comics certainly, but it gives you the means to buy as many comic books as you want.

CLZ Comics

If you have a huge catalogue of comics available at your disposal, and failing to keep track of all of them, this is for you. It doesn’t let you read comics on your device, but helps you keep a track of all that you have by scanning the barcode. At just $15, you can add unlimited amount of comics.


Boasting of over 75,000 comics including the popular DC and Marvel ones alongside a big manga collection, this is one of the most exciting comic book apps out there. It lets you sync your comics on all platforms and at just $5.99 a month, you read as many as you want.

Crunchyroll Manga

Exclusively for manga, this app lets you read a huge collection of manga, if you already have a Crunchyroll subscription. The manga it has updates as soon the original update comes out in Japan!

DC All Access

You can guess from the name, itself! An all-accessible app for DC comics and its infinite amount of fans, it boasts of all the classics like Batman and Superman, Convergence and so many more.

Google Play Books

Google’s go-to app for every bookworm, comic lovers can find Google Play Books very handy, too. With a collection of millions of comics and manga at very affordable prices, it’s no wonder that this app is among the best in the business.


An offline comic book reader, this app scans your device for comic book formats like PDF, CBZ, Zip, etc. Rich in features such as catalogue options, password protection, and different modes of viewing the comics, it is undoubtedly one of the most popular apps.


With a single and double page viewing mode and orientation support, this free with no ad(!) surely challenges the best apps in the business. It supports many formats including FTP and you can search through your catalogue due to cloud storage support.


Not only can you read many comics, but, with the help of this app, you can sync your entire library from your phone to your computer. It creates love wallpapers automatically from your comics and also supports web comics.

In a fast paced society, when buying comic books is getting increasingly time consuming, these apps will certainly keep you at ease.