Valuable Takeaways On Personal Branding Lessons We Can Learn From Donald Trump

  • 16 Feb, 2019

Valuable Takeaways On Personal Branding Lessons We Can Learn From Donald Trump
Over time, the President of the United States, Mr. Donald Trump has demonstrated incredible staying power, despite the fact that many pundits predicted his campaign would fizzle out. In this post, I would share what you can learn from Trump’s steadfast commitment to the tenets of politics and personal branding. You may not like his opinions, but his personal branding techniques serve as a practical model for anyone seeking success.

Be consistent

Trump is called brash, bombastic and ridiculous by his fellow Republicans and the media, but he has been called all of these things consistently. Starting right from the sweeping, provocative statements to his willingness to alienate entire populations to his instantly recognizable speaking style, we get what we expect. Trump is the master of branding consistency. Strong brands always deliver what they promise to do.

Be confident

When Trump says he’s going to build a wall- an amazing wall, and Mexicans are going to pay for it – he says it with such confidence that it seems credible. His followers never doubt that he’ll fail to deliver. Confidence is one of the most striking brand attributes. We normally incline to those who are self-assured and firm in their positive promises. To build your brand and your following, exhibit conviction and emanate confidence backed by the true ability to adhere to your promises.

Take a stand

Strong brands express a point of view and stick with it ardently. Trump’s brand reflects true polarity. It may not feel comfortable, but personal branding is not about pleasing all people every time. It is about taking a stand, knowing that everyone would not agree with you.

Create demand through intrigue

The reason people are tuning in to the Republican debates in large numbers says less interest in the political race and is more an indication of eagerness to hear what Donald Trump’s speech. It’s the reason he is invited on almost every news and talk show on air. While building your brand, you want to spark a high level of interest and being audacious is just one way to accomplish that.

Build brand ambassadors

Donald Trump has a group of brand ambassadors who are on a mission to help him build his brand. They help him carry his message, support his statements and work unwaveringly on his behalf. All of us need others to help spread our message. Personal branding is not something you can do on your own. You have to build a core community before you can grow your visibility in the larger community.

Above all, Donald Trump is authentic, and that’s the most important tenet of politics and personal branding. Conviction, superiority and thinking big have always been a part of who Donald Trump is. None of these are new traits that are being devised just for the sake of the Presidential race. Trump is not someone wearing a mask. He is true to who he is, whether we like him or not.