Important facts on How to Create Content by Keeping Users in Mind

  • 10 Dec, 2019

Most of the digital marketers commit a big mistake by creating content that is focused on them, and not the audience. This is really difficult to digest but the fact is that your readers don’t care about you! They are only interested to solve their problems. So, try to give more attention to the users. The more you provide your readers with what they want, the more they’ll become your loyal readers. All of this begins with your ability to research your audience. Try to understand where their interest lies. What is that which keeps them awake at night? And most importantly, how can you help them through your content?

How would you know what your Audience want?

To cater to the requirements of your audience, you have to engage with them and actually have a conversation with them. This can be done in the comment section of your blog, by sending emails, or through social media. Carefully read the comments on popular blogs in your niche. Pay attention to what people comment on Twitter. Attend the Q&A webinars other authorities are holding, and write down the questions people ask. After noting down, look for patterns. Most of the times, you’ll find one or two questions that are getting repeatedly asked by the audience. That is what you have to write about. 

You can validate your content ideas in a Facebook Group, putting a Quora question. You can also email people who are interested in what your new blog is about. One of the best ways to produce content according to your audience is to ask them. You can create surveys which are a great way of asking questions to your audience, if you already have a following.  You should begin by creating personas for the various groups of your audience before writing anything.  Such as, you might have B2C as well as B2B audience segments visiting your site. By creating personas, you can create content around providing solutions and fulfilling needs for your audience. Always ensure that you have content that fulfils all of their requirements and desires. 

You should know whom you are talking to. Do not write for SEO. Do not write for everyone. Try to write for only one very specific person. Get to know whether that person is a male or female. Get to know the age of the person. Get to know what is the occupation of the person. Know about his hobbies and interests. Concentrate only on a single person. If you try to write content for everyone, you will actually be writing to no one. 

Include a feedback button of some sort. This button helps you to consistently ask your audience what they want to see or what questions they want to be answered. You can also utilise this method to ask them on what kind of content they love the most when it comes to your niche. You might be surprised that a large section of your audience prefers info-graphics. You may also discover that they prefer audio which could lead you to create a podcast in addition to a blog.

Final Words

The best way to create content that your audience will love to read is to meet them in person. Try to talk to them much before you start creating blog posts, writing sales pages, or structuring your lead magnets. Find some people within your target market and ask them whether they would be willing to chat on the phone or meet in person for coffee. Prepare a list of questions that you think your audience wants to learn more about and get better at. Go into your conversations with an open mind, without too many firmly held assumptions about the requirements of your readers. After that, listen. Note down regarding the biggest pain points of your audience. Make a prioritized list of content topics that can begin to chip away at their most significant challenges. In this way, you can definitely attract the attention of the users to your blog.